Categories: The Looking Glass

Bring Your Brand (Back) to Life: Signs It’s Time to Rebrand Your Business

A successful small business is dependent on meeting the needs of customers. At what point, though does meeting expectations start to plateau and feel stagnant? Small businesses must exceed customer expectations to really begin to thrive. And corporate rebranding is a big part of that. Don’t be afraid to admit it…some of the greatest brands have gone through a rebranding stage (just look at Google, Instagram and Budweiser). As things ALL AROUND US evolve, so must our businesses. How do we do that? It’s time to think outside the box of traditional marketing norms and begin to understand (and accept) the new ways of communicating with customers.

In this post below, see just how important it is to not only meet customer’s expectations, but exceed them through strategic brand marketing.

4 Signs You Know it’s Time to Rebrand Your Business

1. Your Brand is Behind the Times

We’re not asking you to toss your company’s history out the window, it only means that you that that rich history and show your customers how it can molds into their lives today. If your brand is outdated, how can prospective customers trust you’ll be able to handle their needs? Ensure you have a responsive and modern web design to reflect you’re up with the times.

Opinions about your brand form in less than 2/10ths of 1 second.

2. You’ve Got the Logo, but Missing Some Style

A brand is more than a logo, colors and typeface. You must have a brand style that defines who you really are: your brand personality. When you genuinely allow your brand personality to shine through, you’ll attract the right customers.

60% of a website’s clicks are to the About Me page: this goes to show how interested people are in personality, and how much who you are matters.

3. You’re NOT Attracting Customers

Feeling disconnected? Failing to keep (or attract) your customers can be concerning. But if you know why it’s happening, the good news is that you may be able to turn things around. Maybe your products or services just aren’t as attractive as they were initially. Evolution is the key to longevity in business, which means it may be time for some updates and enhancements. Additionally, if people don’t even know you exist, they won’t buy. Digital advertising and a strong marketing strategy will help generate a buzz and help to revive your brand.

It costs 500% more to acquire new customers than it does to keep current ones.

4. You Feel Limited

If your current brand limits your growth opportunity, it’s time to dig a little deeper and allow your brand some breathing room. If you’ve outgrown your original branding (and so has your competition), that’s a sure sign it’s time to refocus your efforts. But before you do, know why you’re rebranding and be clear, focused and intentional with your strategy.

Are you ready to rebrand your business like a boss but not really sure where to start? We can help you with that!

Establish Your Brand Identity with CMDS

Rebranding can significantly save the life of your brand. In a recent post, CMDS brought you the specific ingredients needed to bring your small business brand to life, “Creating Your Digital Strategy for a Strong Brand Foundation.” Whether you are looking to change (and strengthen) your existing brand or launch a new one, we help to create experiences for people that engage them with your corporate brand. Talk with our brand managers today about strengthening your company’s corporate identity.

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