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How to Scale For Extreme Business Growth

Published Jul 5, 2023

Do you know the difference between running a business and how to achieve extreme growth within your business? The secret lies in your actions. What you do within your business day in and day out, without fail, marks the difference between crushing goals and feeling like you’re treading water.

Here are six proven strategies high performers do to achieve extreme business growth and increase revenue.

6 Proven Strategies High Performers Do to Achieve Extreme Business Growth

Chris Mulvaney, CEO of CMDS, High Performer, and Business Breakthrough Coach/Consultant has worked directly with hundreds of other CEOs, ranging from small 10 million/year gross revenue to Fortune 100s. For over 20 years, he and his team have helped these businesses craft the best approach to evolve. By learning their challenges and crafting unique strategies to overcome them, CMDS has helped companies operationally strategize and execute in alignment with their goals resulting in extreme business growth.

It all starts with your actions.

Master Your Actions Like Mulvaney

Let’s take a look at the top six proven actions high performers, like Mulvaney, do to achieve extreme business growth.

1. Define Your Purpose

What does ideal success look like for your business? What do you want to achieve in one year, three years, five years, etc. Consider opportunities and strengths to define strong goals and achieve growth. A SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), for example, can be used to get unbiased opinions and strategize new revenue opportunities.

But, success means nothing without purpose. Understand who you are (your “why”) so you can better yourself personally and professionally.

“Those who only know what they do, work harder. Those who know WHY they do what they do, work smarter.” ~Simon Sinek

In other words, don’t be afraid to make a difference in the world.

Define your deep sense of purpose. Your deep purpose is what will drive you to achieve your goals and be the best version of yourself. The more you understand your purpose, the more you understand your capabilities. Know what you are capable of, then set your goals accordingly. The more goals you achieve, the better version you are of yourself, for your clients and employees.

Ask yourself: If your business disappeared tomorrow, would it matter? Who would it matter to?

It’s all about your purpose.

2. Break it Down

You have big goals. Now you need to make a plan to get there.

One way to overcome the challenge of facing a big goal is through reverse engineering. Reverse engineering refers to breaking the end goal down into bite-sized pieces that can be tackled one day at a time. Define the steps needed to succeed so you’ll know exactly what you need to do to achieve it. Now is also an optimal time to take what you learned in your SWOT and utilize those strengths to capitalize on additional opportunities for growth.

3. Delegate and Empower

There are only so many hours in a day which means there’s only so much you can accomplish on your own. It’s important to identify others in your organization who can collaborate with you or leverage talent on your team to step in to accomplish these big goals.

Define action items and delegate those action items to allow your team to find solutions to problems independently. And if they are capable of working on bigger-picture growth goals, this will help empower them to personally grow as they take on more responsibility and execute the milestones you set for them. This will essentially give them a sense of value to the organization.

High performers don’t simply set expectations, hand something off, and then assume it’s just going to magically happen. Make yourself available, check-in regularly, and set clear goals from the start. Don’t wait until it’s too late and the train has run off the tracks.

If you want your business to achieve extreme growth, delegation is essential. So, get out of your own way. Your future self will thank you.


4. Develop a Growth Mindset

The problems business owners face every day would overwhelm most.

With countless obstacles businesses face every day, it’s easy to get distracted and lose momentum. Stop wasting time trying to fix everything that’s broken in the day-to-day operations. Instead, focus your energy on growing your business. This is where a growth mindset comes in.

Inevitably, things will break. Obstacles will always be there…

It’s all in how you respond. And how you empower your team to respond.

It’s true, companies across the world have faced unprecedented hardships over the past few years due to the coronavirus. The pandemic reshaped everything from global supply chains to our workplaces and drastically shifted trends in business to business.

But, growth is made under pressure, right?


Even Winston Churchill said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” When viewed with the right lens, challenges can be an opportunity to evolve and introduce new ideas that create value. Here’s how:

  • Brainstorm and anticipate future obstacles. Seek input from trusted advisors to get ultra-clear on strategies to ensure positive outcomes.
  • During a challenge, emotions can have a tremendous impact on the decisions we make. If you want to grow your business, train yourself to set emotions aside.
  • One challenge can spiral into mountains of problems if you let it. The brain likes simplicity and clarity, so keep your focus on one goal at a time.
  • There is nothing wrong with actually asking your team for ideas to navigate challenges. Ask for feedback and keep communication lines open, especially when times are hectic.

It’s time to push through the adversities and lap your competition.


5. Implement Block Scheduling

Busyness is the new normal… which is why it’s more important than ever to pay attention to how you’re spending your time; especially when it comes to growth goals.

How you spend your time matters.

If you feel like there’s never enough hours in the day to accomplish everything on your task list, it’s probably time to sit down and take inventory on where your time is currently being spent (see delegating and empowering above).

  • Are you spending too much time on marketing efforts?
  • Are you constantly interrupting tasks to check your emails?
  • Are you creating your social media content on the fly?
  • Are you trying to handle doing too many tasks at once?

In order to maximize your productivity each day, Mulvaney recommends block scheduling. Also known as time blocking, this concept prioritizes the allocation of large chunks of time to focus on certain tasks.

The benefits of block scheduling include:

  • Improved organization and workflow
  • Increased revenue through prioritizing revenue-generating activities
  • Team-wide accountability to practice priorities
  • Ability to proactively identify and correct gaps in scheduling and workflow
  • Blocks tailored to your unique situation (for example, scheduling networking calls for the part of the day that is usually the most quiet)

For example, you might allocate specific days to focus on content creation and other days allocated for meetings. Or you can block out chunks of time within each day using your calendar to define specific times for meetings that don’t conflict with your growth mode or pausing your inbox with 3rd party tools. This allows you to maintain focus while working on one task, rather than losing focus through 30-minutes of working on a task, then getting interrupted by notification dings, and then ten minutes of trying to regain focus to finish your original task.

It’s also important to pass this knowledge and habits on to your team so it’s a company-wide practice.

Scheduling out your daily tasks in time blocks not only helps yourself, but will also help your team to be more productive. Research shows that it takes about 66 days to make something a habit. Try it out and see how much more productive you can become!

6. Revisit your Purpose Regularly

Once you discover your “Why,” it’s not over. Your goals deserve far more thought than a “one and done” mentality. Revisit your initial purpose (see number one) in order to stay motivated and excited so that you can give 100% toward actions that align with your core values.

This not only gives you the opportunity to explore the effectiveness of your current strategies but also forces you to keep refining your goals. Were they too ambitious or not ambitious enough? Either one can demolish motivation and energy among key team players.

If you want to experience a breakthrough in growth, be prepared to rediscover your “Why” statement and assess your purpose at least once a year to make critical changes to your goals and strategies. Share it with your team as frequently as the opportunity allows so that every step made towards goals always aligns and is propelled by that purpose.

Breakthrough and Grow

Has your company’s growth flatlined? Are you ready to take things up a notch?

The CMDS Business Breakthrough Bootcamps are designed to help B2B businesses define all of the above and develop actionable steps to accomplish fast growth.

Visit to learn more and connect with the business breakthrough team at CMDS to reignite your business at its core. Extreme growth will only happen when you believe, show up consistently, intentionally and execute the plan. And we can help.

Can’t wait? Call us now at (732) 706-5555.