Categories: The Looking Glass

Why Your Site Needs a Responsive Website Design

Changing Marketing Needs, PPC Management Company NJ

The way in which consumers research, discover and purchase products and services is changing about as quickly as the latest devices used to carry out these tasks. As these advances in technology become more prevalent, your business must keep up if it wants to take advantage of the online market. It may seem overwhelming at times, but what if there was one simple solution? (We think you know where we’re going with this …)

There Is! Responsive Website Design

Does your business struggle to convert online leads into conversions and repeat customers? If your website is not yet responsive, this could be a major contributing factor. A responsive website design company in NJ can can help.

How Does Responsive Web Design Work?

It’s really pretty simple. A responsive website design company can create a site that will respond to a variety of mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets in order to give the user a much more pleasant experience. No matter what type of screen your potential customer is viewing your website on, its responsive design will make the experience easy.


Mobile Means Money

A well designed responsive website can increase leads, potential customers and even conversions. This means increased revenue and exposure for your company and its brand. Google recently teamed up with Nielsen to conduct a study on mobile consumers. The findings are overwhelmingly in favor of responsive websites.


Ninety-three percent of people who used a mobile device to research products or services go on to make a purchase. That’s a pretty strong indicator of a huge Return on Investment (ROI) for businesses that choose to make their websites responsive. It also indicates that mobile consumers know what they want and know how to get it. However, if your website does not meet the high standards of today’s mobile consumers, don’t expect to have much success getting their business.


More than half of mobile consumers are trying to make a purchase within an hour of beginning a search. Today’s consumer is not patient, and a mobile consumer will give you even less leeway. If your website is unresponsive, good luck keeping up with their short attention span.


Eighty-three percent of consumers will make a purchase within 24 hours of doing mobile research. If someone is looking for a particular service or type of product online, there is a very strong chance that they will make the purchase, and they will do it pretty quickly. But, if your competitors’ websites are responsive, they have a much better chance of making the conversion than your company does.

The SEO Power of Responsive Design

Google and other search engines favor responsive design and rank these websites higher. Our responsive website design company in NJ understands that Search Engine Optimization is important to you, as it should. Ranking high up on Google searches related to your business is one of the best ways to get more attention and have the most traffic. A responsively designed website will go a long way in the fight for the coveted No. 1 spot on Google’s rankings.


Almost half of mobile research begins with a search engine like Google on a mobile device. This statistic probably has something to do with Google’s decision to rank responsive websites higher. If almost half of mobile research starts with a search engine like Google, it only makes sense to have quality responsive websites towards the top of the list.


CMDS is a leading responsive website design company in NJ that specializes in digital marketing strategies as well as website design. Our marketers and web designers will take your website from strategy to completion and then optimize it so that its state-of-the-art features get noticed by the right people. If you would like to learn more about our one-stop marketing and web design company, contact CMDS today, or call us at 732-706-5555.

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