Top 7 Secrets to Building Your Company’s Blog Audience [INFOGRAPHIC]

Ever wonder how to make it on page 1 of Google Search? Creating meaningful and powerful content is the write answer. Blogging used to be used as a platform to express a person’s feelings and opinions, but in today’s digital world, blogging is a powerful promotional tool that increases the chances your business will be found online and add to your credibility (ultimately leading to new customers). If your company doesn’t have a blog, you’re missing out on a huge marketing opportunity. Check out these seven secrets to maximizing your digital storyboard on the infographic below:

1.   Quality is King:

A great blog begins with the quality of content you create. Gone are the days of massive keyword repetition and trying to trick the system. Many of those past search engine optimization tactics simply do not work anymore (frankly if you’re still doing it, this way, you’re wasting your time and money…and will be penalized by the Google Webmasters). So, do your homework and research topics to address your specific audience, then write about it in a valuable way (unique, informative, educational, and entertaining).

2.   Quantity Counts

Blogs help businesses attract new website visitors and convert those visitors into leads. Every time you publish unique content you’re making a new opportunity to get discovered through organic search and social sharing. The more you blog, the more chances you have to generate leads but the sweet spot for small businesses is to post one to two times a week (the larger your company, the more you should post).

3.   Add Catchy Headlines (for humans and search engines)

Organic search provides a huge source of traffic for a blog post. But people have short attention spans…oh look, a squirrel…so, to capture their attention, your title has to be intriguing enough for your audience to click and read. Make the titles enticing using words like: questions, lists, how-to, secrets, mistakes, etc. In other words, don’t be boring. Also, it is critical to have optimized content for search engine crawlers to improve your overall ranking ability.

4.   Cover Relevant Topics

Create types of blog posts that are easy to market and may become viral: content that is relevant to your target audience’s wants and needs. Choose a mix of trending topics as well as comprehensive evergreen content that can be useful year after year. In addition, do keyword research ahead of time to find out what your audience is actually looking for on search engines.

5.   Keep it Real

Think about the reader first. Write in a conversational tone by making your blog posts sound like a conversation (instead of a lecture). Add personal touches by using the words, “you” and “I” within your content and even ask questions throughout your post.

6.    Add Infographics

Visual content and imagery drives home the message much more than text. Infographics generate engagement and enhances brand recognition by improving Google rankings. In fact, an infographic is 30 times more likely to be read than an article with just words. And remember, people remember 80% of what they see and do, compared with just 20% of what they read.

7.   Share the Love

Share you post on social networks, email it out to your customers, shout it from the mountaintops. Simply writing and publishing your blog isn’t enough. You must promote your work to get noticed. Naturally, Facebook and Twitter are a great place to showcase your posts, but consider other platforms as well including: LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, your email newsletter to current and target customers and allow your readers to subscribe to your blog as well.

Grow Your Blog Audience with CMDS

Overwhelmed by the thought of keeping your blogs interesting, posting often and maximizing SEO? Not to worry, that’s why we’re here! Our copywriting and marketing professionals know the ins and outs to maximizing results for your business’ digital marketing universe…and get to page 1. Whether it’s producing relevant articles for your website or managing your corporate blog, contact our team today to make your words count!

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