Categories: The Looking Glass

Brand Building Agency: Inspiring Small Businesses

Changing Marketing Needs, PPC Management Company NJ

People Don’t Buy What You Do, They Buy Why You Do It

As a brand building agency in NJ, we are always asking questions and seeking answers to inspire creativity for many different small businesses, in many different industries. Business owners looking to build their brand can find inspiration at odd times, paying a visit perhaps when you’re in the middle of something else at work or igniting a spark when you’re outside of the office; maybe when you’re exercising or just lounging on the beach. Often though seeking inspiration often means turning to mentors, colleagues and other professionals who have been there before and overcome similar challenges to reach their goals.

Inspiring Customers

One of our favorite sources of inspiration is from TED Talks (Technology, Entertainment and Design Talks) which provide not only compelling stories but also funny, innovative and informational ones, too.

TED puts out a lot of talks, but recently, we have been inspired from Simon Sinek’s @TED talk: “How Great Leaders Inspire Actions- Start with Why

He suggests communicating with your audience by telling them why you do what you do, rather than what you’re offering. Chances are, you’re selling a product or service that someone else is selling – with similar features…at a similar price. People don’t want to identify with the physical attributes of a product, they want to identify with the ideals, styles and values your product emphasizes.

As marketers (brand builders, web developers, web designers, content writers, SEO professionals, etc.), we have to know how to engage people and create the environment to inspire your customers ultimately purchase a service or product. How do we do that? We start by communicating your “why.”

Start with Why

Simon Sinek talks about your why in ‘The Golden Circle’. Unless you are a commodity, “people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” The goal is not to do business with everybody who needs what you have. The goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe. All the great inspiring leaders around the world think and act the same way, starting with a golden circle and the question “Why?” The Golden Circle shows how industry leaders are able to inspire action instead of manipulating people to act based on the “what” or “how”.

What- Every small business knows what they do. They can describe their product or service.

How- Some companies know how they do it. They know how they’re different from their competitors and their unique selling point.

Why- But very few organizations know why they do what they do (it’s not about the money). What’s your purpose, what’s your belief? Why does your company exist? And why should anyone care?

Don’t be Ordinary

He goes on to say, “Ordinary companies communicate to their customers about what they do and how they do it through catchy call to actions and exciting marketing designs. Other companies may copy what you do or how you do it…but they will never be the same. Because inspiring businesses start by communicating their “why”. No trickery here- just engaging consumers emotionally first by establishing the “why”. What you do serves as the proof of what you believe.”

CMDS Can Help You Communicate Your Why

Show your customers that you care and they will have no other choice but to follow. CMDS can help to create unique experiences for people that engage them with your brand and strengthen customer relations. Talk with our brand managers today about brand identity and how to become extraordinary.

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