Why You Might Need a Video Marketing Agency More Than You Think

A group of video marketing employees film a video in the studio for a new client.

Videos have never been more popular than they are now. Nowadays, 73% of people prefer to learn about a brand’s product from a video more than any other form of media. On top of that, 88% of people felt so enticed by a brand’s video that they bought the product.

Most businesses around the world don’t create as many videos as they should on a regular basis. This is especially true when we look at social media trends and see that video marketing is the most popular trend on all platforms.

Video is easier to consume and, for the most part, it’s a lot more entertaining. When you think of platforms like Instagram, you can see that people use it mainly to entertain themselves. This is why videos work so well! They are short and sweet while being to the point.

Let’s face it, people have thousands of other things they could do with their time. This is why you want your video to hook them in and make them want to know more.

A video marketing agency knows how important it is to use videos on social media and on a brand’s website.

These agencies understand that videos are a lot easier to consume than a wall of text. They know that people are more willing to watch a one-minute video explaining a product rather than reading about it in a description.

This is why finding a video marketing agency that can create videos for your brand is vital. But, you might not be convinced that videos are as good as we claim they are, and that’s fine!

That’s why we wrote this article. We want you to know everything about video marketing before you do anything else.

This article will help you understand why creating videos for your brand is vital and which types of videos you should implement into your marketing strategy.

Before we get into the meat and potatoes, let’s cover the basics. Like…

What’s Video Marketing?

What’s Video Marketing?

In simple terms, video marketing refers to the act of using videos to promote or sell something related to your brand. It could be a product, service, or even the brand itself.

The beauty of video marketing is not only the speed at which potential customers can consume the content. It’s also the various types of videos you can create.

You can make a video of just about anything if you’re creative enough. This is great since it means you can target a larger customer base, or create a campaign with an accompanying video for it.

Videos also stand out when compared to something like a normal printed article. This means there’s a higher chance a consumer will see the video, watch it, and check out your brand and offerings as a result.

At the end of the day, your goal with videos is to get people interested in your brand or your products.

So you now know what video marketing is, but you may have more questions.

We mentioned how there are many types of videos a business can create. Instead of leaving it at that, why don’t we show you the different kinds of videos?

How-To Videos

You’ve seen these types of videos hundreds of times. Honestly, they’re just about everywhere. The reason you keep seeing them is because of how effective they are. Not only are they educational, but they can get people hooked on your product.

You may be asking yourself: “Why would they get hooked on my product with this type of video?” And it’s pretty simple once you think about it. It’s because you can use this kind of video to demonstrate different ways a potential customer could use your product.

We’ll give you an example to make our point.

Imagine your brand sells cameras. You go and make a how-to video showing your potential clients how easy it is to take pictures of fast-moving objects like motorcycles with your camera.

After they see how amazing your images look on the how-to video, they’ll feel the need to buy your camera so they can have that same image quality themselves.

This would have been a lot harder to sell if they hadn’t seen how the images looked right after you took the shot.

Testimonial Videos

This is an amazing way to ensure that people trust your brand. From a potential client’s perspective, they’ll be a lot happier and more confident in buying a product from you if it has a good review.

It’s even better if the review itself is on video, since customers will trust that the review is legitimate.

These types of videos work on your website and social media. It does a great job showcasing the quality of your product, which is the ultimate goal.

Educational Videos

This is a great option if you have a complicated product or service that might be tougher for people to understand.

This type of video is also great if you want to share tips and tricks your clients may not know about.

Brands like Tesla do this all the time. They display the “easter eggs”, or hidden features, they’ve put into their vehicles.

These types of videos are also a great way to show potential clients what they’re missing out on when they don’t buy your product.

If you create an educational video, be careful that it doesn’t sound like a sales pitch. There’s a difference between explaining in a fun way what your product does versus selling them the product outright.

Consumers have probably heard hundreds of sales pitches in the last month, and the last thing they want is to hear another one.

So, be extra careful that you make an educational video and not a sales video.

Behind The Scenes Video

This kind of video showcases the people behind your brand and why they are so amazing. This helps your employees feel appreciated and more like a part of the family.

Not only that, but users who watch the video can connect better with your brand. Why? Because humans connect with humans, not with brands. They will be able to see your brand’s personality in an authentic way.

Humanizing your brand is a fantastic way to attract potential customers who were hesitant to buy something from you. It could be the confidence needed for them to make the purchase.

These are just some of the more popular types of videos you can make. There are a lot more ideas out there to use and test.

Want a video that represents your brand?

We can help!

1. What is your name?

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2. Hi Name! What type of business do you have?

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3. How many years have you been in business?

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4. What is your biggest challenge?

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5. What is your total gross revenue for last year?

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6. Is your revenue increasing, flat or decreasing?

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7. How important is it to you to unlock your company’s full potential this year?

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8. How much are you willing to invest (per year) in your company’s strategy and growth right now to overcome your biggest challenges and accomplish your boldest goals?

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9. Finish the statement: Right now I...

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10. What is your email address?

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What are the Benefits of Video Marketing?

What are the Benefits of Video Marketing?

We’ve talked about what video marketing is and its different types, but what do you get out of all the effort needed to make a single video? We’ll show you.

Videos are Fantastic for SEO

Uploading videos on YouTube that target a specific keyword your brand is known for is a great way to get found by potential clients. Why? Because Google will always include video recommendations on the first results page.

This means that using YouTube as a way to “hack” yourself onto the first page is completely viable.

When you take into consideration that only 25% of users go to the second page of Google search results, you understand why this works so well.

This is even more relevant when you think that most people will prefer to watch a video than to read a blog post. So, the chance of them clicking on your video is a lot higher.

People Prefer Videos Over Other Type of Content

If you ask someone whether they want to read blog post or watch a video, they’ll most likely pick the video. Why? Because it takes less work to watch a video and it’s a lot faster to consume when compared to a full-fledged article.

Think about this…ONE BILLION hours of YouTube videos are watched daily. That’s a LOT of time when you consider it’s done every day. Imagine all of the potential customers out there you could reach by creating more videos every single day.

A video marketing agency knows this, and it is a main reason why they will do their best to make you understand why you need to start posting videos as often as possible.

Yes, we’ve been talking non-stop about video marketing, but we haven’t really shown you any examples yet. Now let’s explore what makes videos so powerful!


GoPro has always been a brand targeted toward extreme sports and people with active lifestyles. They always use their User Generated Content (UGC) to showcase how durable and amazing their cameras are.

Now, when they released this video, their followers were surprised to see it wasn’t the usual video from GoPro.

Instead, it was a video of a fireman saving a cute little kitten’s life. There were no stunts or people jumping off a mountain with just a bike and a parachute. This was a real situation where a fireman did his job.

While it wasn’t as flashy as their past videos, it accomplished something the others didn’t. It showed that a GoPro isn’t just for extreme sports and activities.

It showed that GoPro is there to capture important moments of your life. In this case, it was a video of a brave fireman risking his life to rescue a kitten. This not only helped GoPro solidify itself as a brand that cares about its customers, but it also showed that the product is for everybody.

They expanded their target audience AND showed that they cared about their followers, all in one video.


You’ve probably heard of Intel at least once in your life. They are the ones who make processors for laptops and PCs alike.

Intel made an amazing five-part series of people around the world using Intel’s technology to create incredible stuff.

All of these videos weren’t completely made to highlight Intel. The main focus of these videos were the inventions themselves. Each video showcased how these inventions helped solve a problem in their community. They are all heartwarming and inspiring stories.

This makes Intel look like a brand for creators and people who want to change the world. That’s a spectacular way for people to view your brand.


When Reebok released its 25,915 days video, people were surprised at how amazing and inspiring a clothing brand can be.

After all, 25,915 days is the average life span of a human being. Reebok wants you to remember that and push yourself to your limit. They want you to understand that your body is invaluable and that you should honor it as much as possible.

The video is a simple one, since there are no words being spoken or anything. It’s just a simple video of a woman who goes backward in time. It starts with her running in a race in her mid-30s, then it transitions to her running track in her teens. Finally, it ends with the day she was born.

Of course, she was wearing Reebok clothes, but that wasn’t the main focus of the video. The main point is to remind you that your life is precious and that you should give it the respect it deserves. Reebok emphasizes this by showing the woman taking care of her body all throughout her life with a steady regimen of running.

While it’s not common to use death as a way to advertise a clothing brand, the powerful message it shares really makes it stand out. It also incentivizes people to get off their chairs and start working out.

Some of those people will need some sports clothes, and Reebok made sure they will come to their mind.

Why Should I Hire a Video Marketing Agency?

Why Should I Hire a Video Marketing Agency?

This is a very valid question to ask when you consider how much time it takes to make one video. We totally understand, especially when you also factor in the cost of camera equipment and video-editing software.

All of this being said, creating videos is still a necessity for any brand looking to grow in 2022. It doesn’t matter what social media platform you’re on, there’s always a video there for you to watch.

In all honesty, you don’t really need to buy cameras, props, and video editing software to make good videos. You most likely have a really good camera on your smartphone that you can use to make simple videos. This is a good place to get started.

Alternatively, you can hire a video marketing agency so they can film, edit, and promote amazing-looking videos for you.

Here at CMDS, we know the importance of video marketing. In fact, most of our content on social media is in video format! With decades of experience in digital marketing, we can make a spectacular video for your brand that will help you to stand out.

All of this is without you having to do anything at all. This means you can focus on other aspects of your business while we create the videos for you.

Learn More About Video Marketing

Achieve goals faster with well-thought-out videos

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We hope you now understand the massive importance videos have in digital marketing nowadays. There is simply no way to ignore how vital videos are for brands. To put it simply, videos are the hottest new trend right now across social media.

Before you go, let us do a quick recap so you don’t forget anything.

First, we talked about what video marketing was about and we showed you four of the most popular types of videos you can use.

Next, we talked about two of the most important benefits you can get from video marketing. We also showed you three amazing and memorable videos from big brands.

Last, but not least, we explained why you NEED videos in your marketing strategy if you want to grow in 2022.

If you have any questions to ask or thoughts to share, feel free to leave them down in the comment section below and we’ll get back to you!

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