Categories: Internet Marketing

Marketing Tools That Work: Using Customer Reviews and Testimonials to Boost Your Sales from Your NJ Marketing Agency

Changing Marketing Needs, PPC Management Company NJ

NJ Marketing Agency Fact: Studies show that 80%-90% of all customer reviews come from the emails you send customers after they purchase.

Customer testimonials by far are one of the most important items that can be added to a marketing page, according to NJ Marketing Agency. Customer testimonials can give a potential customer the confidence he or she needs to help the customer overcome any remaining resistance to the sales message.

By nature, people are resistant to marketing messages. They question whether a product or service will actually perform as advertised. They question the legitimacy of the company making the offer. They question whether the product or service will really help them solve the problem they seek to resolve.

Through split testing, many businesses have seen sales jump more than 100% simply by adding a single testimonial to a page. Of course, it must be said that your results may be different.

Some people literally assume that any testimonial will lift sales, but that also must be split tested. In a recent sales split test conducted by Mind Valley Labs, it was clearly shown that “all testimonials are NOT created equal. ” In the Mind Valley Labs test, one particular testimonial actually cut sales in half. The conclusions drawn by the Mind Valley Labs marketing team was that the testimonial appeared too high on the page, but more importantly that the testimonial was not targeted to the product demonstrated.

So one should be careful when selecting testimonials to include in a website’s marketing copy. Make sure that the chosen testimonials actually add confidence for the sales prospect. If the testimonial does not engender confidence in the brand or product, then it should not be used in your marketing efforts. If the testimonial detracts from the purpose of the sales message, then the testimonial should not be used, advise NJ Marketing Agency.

With these caveats having been explained, a website with a testimonial – with the right testimonial – will as a general rule outperform one that has no testimonials, according to an NJ Marketing Agency. In many cases, adding a testimonial to a page that has no testimonials will increase sales by as much as 200% to 300%. That is a huge difference in sales performance.

Most NJ marketing agencies appreciate the importance of testimonials in sales copy, but few actually understand how to obtain those all-important customer testimonials.

How to Obtain Testimonials for Use in Marketing Efforts from an NJ Marketing Agency

The perfect time to strike is after a customer has received the product or service. Strike while the fire is hot, so to speak.

If you were to send an email to your customer after the sale, and after the customer has had the chance to utilize your product or service, then chances are greatly increased that the customer will have positive things to say about your product or service.

In fact, marketing studies show that 80% to 90% of all testimonials received from customers are the result of a follow-up email sent to the customer after the sale.

If you want and need customer testimonials to add to your website for online marketing purposes, your best course of action is to speak to your NJ Marketing Agency and have them automate a follow-up system that makes contact with your customer after the sale. Those follow-up emails will serve two very important purposes: 1. To engender further confidence in your company, because it is perceived that you care about the customer’s needs, even after you have their money. And 2. It gives your customers a chance to thank you for providing such a wonderful product or service.

When you give your customers the opportunity to praise your product or service and your customers are happy with their purchase, chances are solid that they will give you a positive review. In the multitude of positive reviews you receive, it is fairly easy to uncover gems that you can use for marketing your product or service to other potential customers in a positive manner.

So send that follow-up email after the sale and check all replies to that email address. Within those replies you will potentially find the perfect review of your products or services that will help you increase your sales by 2-3 times in the matter of a single day.

Now that is the power of online marketing at its finest.

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