Categories: The Looking Glass

Is your website responsive?

Changing Marketing Needs, PPC Management Company NJ

What is responsive web design?

Provide an optimal viewing experience

2013 is predicted to be the year of responsive web design. But what does that mean? Most of us know how over the past few years, the way we access websites has changed dramatically. While in the past, the majority of a website’s visitors would access a site from a computer, now a staggering number are coming from tablets or smartphones. Instead of designing websites (or mobile apps) that are specific to a device or platform, Responsive Web Design allows you to create one website that determines the resolution of the device it is being shown on, and adjusts the site accordingly.

The goal is to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy readability and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices. We use CSS techniques and design principles, including fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries to deliver a quality experience to your users no matter what size their display.

Is your business (and website) ready for this dramatic change?

According to a recent study by Google:

The time is now to upgrade your site. Be Responsive!

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