Categories: Web Design

10 Web Design & Marketing Tips to Enhance User Experience on Your Website

Changing Marketing Needs, PPC Management Company NJ

Better marketing and web design starts and ends with usability

Web design companies often get lost in the challenge of building traffic to a website. Everyone is so busy chasing the next visitor, with little or no concern for keeping that visitor happy once he or she arrives at the website, that they forget that the point of traffic to a website is sales conversion.

Websites around the world have conversion rates from .01% up to 50% (the Schwan’s website in January of 2009). What if you could double your website’s sales conversions? In doing so, you would be doubling your sales from the same amount of traffic.

There are primarily two types of websites online:

If you sell a product or service, then getting more visitors to buy what you are selling is the goal. If your website hosts advertising, then the goal should be to get people to navigate more pages on your website and to come back more often.¬† Either way, enhancing your visitor’s experience on your website via web design and marketing tactics will help you achieve your goals.

Here are 10 web design and marketing tips to help you to improve your user’s experience while on your website:

These 10 web design & marketing tips for improving the usability of your website are geared to help you make your website more productive and more profitable. While most people will only implement a few of these tips, it is advised that you implement as many as is possible for your situation.

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