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‘Twas the night before Christmas, at CMDS

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas at CMDS

‘Twas the night before Christmas, at CMDS,
Rock star marketers were stirring, handling holiday stress.

Client campaigns were running on the internet with care,
To entice all new business leads that would soon be there.

The employees were nestled, all snug at their desks,
While brainstorming ideas to pique client interests.

With Temi on her laptop and Chris Converse-clad,
They had just finalized numbers; this year turned out rad!

When out on the Internet there arose such a clatter,
Pete sprang from his office to see what was the matter.

Away to her dashboard, Kristin flew like a flash,
Tore open the reports tab, and pulled up the graph.

The results on the page of the newly found data,
Gave the lustre of growth to the analytics calculator;

When, what to their wondering eyes should appear,
But more leads, organic traffic and eight reasons to cheer!

With those leads growing, with click after click,
Chris knew in a moment, they must handle it quick!

More rapid than eagles through Actions they came,
And CMDS whistled and shouted and called them by name:

“Now PPC! Now, Social! Now, mobile and website SEO!
On, Remarketing! On, Content! On email and viral video!

To the top of the search! To the top of them all!
Now rank away! Rank away! Rank away all!

To the brainstorming session where great CMDS ideas fly,
They connect on a Zoom meet, waving hi and goodbye.

When they finalized their plan, action items assigned;
Walter hopped back on Photoshop, great ideas in mind.

With a sleigh full of keywords and social calendar logged,
Angela went straight to her laptop, and wrote some more blogs.

In the inspiration room, the marketers gathered around,
When all of a sudden, Jen leapt up with a bound.

The lead gen had worked! The low bounce rate on fleek!
The landing pages had made the buyers’ journey so sleek!

Split testing did wonders, optimization on track!
And all new proposals, signed with great feedback!

Claire’s eyes – how they twinkled! Her smile, how merry!
A socially-distanced celebration would be the ice cream and cherry!

But first, John had more programming, with beta in tow,
Off he went with his hair swinging ‘round in a flow.

CMDS takes great action, leaving competitors behind,
And they know when it’s time to get back to the grind.

With a wink of their eyes and adjustment of masks,
They all handled this year by prioritizing tasks.

They spoke not a word, but went straight to their work,
And filled all requests; cause happy clients are the perk.

And Chris laying a finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up to the conference room they rose.

They sprang to their whiteboard, and all the team gave a whistle,
Sue’s numbers came in; client success was so blissful!

Their digital marketing savvy was not built in Klout,
CMDS knows what successful results are about.

Socially-distanced high fives, and a rock and roll jam,
Before leaving the office, they posted pics on the Gram.

And Chris heard them exclaim, as they drove out of sight-

“Happy marketing to all, with content that delights!”


CMDS wishes you the happiest of holidays and a wonderful new year!


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