Categories: SEO, The Looking Glass

SEO just became even harder. Getting over "keyword not provided".

Changing Marketing Needs, PPC Management Company NJ

Google updated their privacy to now hide all keyword data

Don’t cry over keyword not provided! When Google recently stated that they were going to be encrypting organic keyword info in google analytics, everyone in the internet marketing world instantly started looking for a new career. For reals tho…, if you can no longer see where your organic search engine traffic is coming from and what search terms people were using to find your website, how can you target your SEO efforts effectively? It’s really just an effort to provide more security and privacy to everyone using Google and really, that’s a good thing. So what happens now?

More Google Adwords (paid search), please.

Doing paid search allows google to show all the keywords users used to click on your ads. Even better, if your google adwords account is set up with conversion tracking, you can see all the conversions associated with a single keyword click. #BOOM! The most ROI focused effort just became even more important. Talk to CMDS to learn how we can help by calling 732-706-5555 today!

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