Categories: The Looking Glass

Happy Holidays from CMDS

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas at a Marketing Agency

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through CMDS,
several marketers were stirring, even ones that bench press.
Client marketing campaigns were running on the Internet with care,
in hopes that many conversions and leads soon would be there.

The employees were nestled all snug at their desks
while tackling updates and redirects via .htaccess
And Temi in her kerchief and Chris in his cap,
Had just finished analyzing a new client website’s heat map.

When out in the parking lot, there arose such a clatter
Sue sprang from her desk to see what was the matter
Away to their computers they flew like a flash,
Tore open their email and cleared out their cache.

The results of the test for the newly updated SEO
Proved the spike in their traffic which would continue to grow
When, what to their wondering eyes should appear
But an Analytics report, with 8 reasons to cheer

With a subject line, so catchy and slick
Angela knew in a moment, we must open it quick
Every marketing channel was worthy of acclaim
And Bridgit whistled and shouted and called them by name!

“Now PPC! now, Social! now, mobile and website SEO!
On, Remarketing! On, Content! on, email and viral video!
To the top of the charts! To the top of the page !
Now optimize! Optimize! Optimize and Engage!

As websites after a mobile-friendly redesign rise,
When they appear on tablets, capturing more eyes.
So up to the conference room the CMDS’ers they flew,
With clients to update on the results as they grew.

And then, in a commotion Amanda heard from below
The voices became louder and continued to grow
As she drew in her head and began turning around
Up the stairs Shannon came with a bound.

She was visibly excited, from her head to her feet
And she was clutching a new contract that seemed really sweet
For a bundle of new ideas she had proposed on the phone
Since companies don’t grow through one tactic alone.

This client – the potential! Their product, how clever!
But the website was broken, with no updates in forever
A formal marketing plan was drawn up to guide where to go
A newly designed look was created by the talented Mr. Deyo.

The beta site Danielle & John programmed right from the start
And even installed a dynamic shopping cart
It had a new look and a lightweight CMS
That tracked all their leads and removed all the stress

 The new site was classy and modern, a real step ahead
The customers smiled when they saw it, and virally it spread.
A share of its new message reached a new audience
While Jon kept it working with monthly maintenance

The client spoke not a word, but the CEO’s mouth curled in a smile
After filling all their orders, they’d be busy for a while
He quietly congratulated himself on the web team he chose
And looking ahead, watched as up their sales rose!  

We sprang back to work, to our team gave a high-five
And away we all drove, feeling pumped up and alive
But all of CMDS does exclaim, ere we turn off the light
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

CMDS wishes you the happiest of holidays and a wonderful new year!

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