Categories: Press Releases

CMDS Poised to Capitalize on Google Panda New SEO Application A Significant Change in Website Rankings

Changing Marketing Needs, PPC Management Company NJ

Middletown, NJ (August 13, 2011) –Google recently updated its SEO processes with a newly released algorithm called Panda, and Middletown-based digital marketing agency CMDS is helping new clients quickly navigate the change.

“Google’s Panda update can have a significant impact on your website’s ranking,” noted CMDS CEO Chris Mulvaney. “It radically changes the way engines will search and rank websites – for the first time analyzing quality rather than quantity.”

Google Panda was released on February 24. It was designed to give priority rankings to websites with original, significant content and links, while penalizing those that use duplicate content and link farms (those with numerous links to other websites).

CMDS, a full service marketing agency that specializes in SEO had already embraced the new rules in Google’s updates, always believing it will have a positive impact on consumers, as well as clients.

“The impact of this change is the ability for Google to not only assess the amount of traffic that enters and leaves a site, but also what the quality of that traffic is,” said Mulvaney. “This is a huge breakthrough for our clients who promote their products and services on the Web. The quality of the content on the website more important than ever and companies like ours are positioned to help clients better develop and manage that content.”

In addition to the classic SEO strategies such as building content, embedding researched keywords, and linking to other credible sites, the Panda update is forcing SEO professionals to weigh other factors. For example, the overall site experience, as well as how likeable and trustworthy a brand is in the eyes of the consumer.

“CMDS has always worked to create top quality websites for its clients to ensure the best possible results and ROI. The company’s attention to detail and its ability to effectively position and market our client’s brands will help us to move our clients effortlessly into this new age of SEO,” added Mulvaney.

About CMDS:
CMDS is an award-winning full service marketing agency, web design company, and SEO agency dedicated to branding businesses. Headquartered in Middletown, NJ, CMDS has been offering superior services including website design, online advertising, marketing services and search engine optimization since 2001. For more information, contact Christopher Mulvaney at (732) 706-5555 or visit the company’s web site at

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