December 6, 2022

Developing Pharmaceutical Websites with International Growth in Mind


Many pharmaceutical companies talk about growing internationally, but becoming a strong global organization isn’t just about expanding, it’s about creating a successful user-friendly experience around the world.

No matter where your audience is located, developing a website that loads quickly is an important part of that experience, but it becomes even more vital when trying to reach a global market.

Optimizing pharmaceutical websites for an international audience primarily requires identifying the geographical location of the user. That means taking care of the details, like optimizing for speed. By doing this, you’ll inevitably capture the user’s attention, and your site will rank higher on Google and other major search engines.

Too many organizations think that time zones and translating content in multiple languages is enough to cater to a global audience and operate an internationally-facing business (though that’s part of it, too). But, when it comes to pharma website design and development, it’s important to think about your user populations in different countries before the process of language translation ever happens.

As with everything you do, you need to keep your users in mind at all times. For example, think about patient personas — what are they looking for and how can you help solve their problems? Be solution oriented to create a strong user experience.

The user experience (UX) refers to the type of experience your prospective clients will have on your website. Optimized imagery, colors, hreflang tags and globally-accepted keywords all help you create a better UX. Since your website directly reflects your brand, you need to make sure that it represents you in a good light in every timezone.

High-growth pharmaceutical companies view international markets as an area of largely untapped opportunity to diversify and achieve scale. And so do we.

Thankfully, in today’s increasingly interconnected world, reaching a global audience has become easier than ever before. And because of the large amount of digital information easily accessible on pharmaceutical websites, individuals worldwide are becoming even more comfortable with taking their well-being into their own hands. The opportunities are endless.

With the right strategy and design team, your pharmaceutical website will reach, connect and convert more people…in more places…with even more impact. Here are three tips for developing a successful global friendly pharma website.

1. Consider Server Location.

Physicians and consumers who access your website far away from the servers may experience a slower user journey speed (a millisecond here and there can quickly add up for a content-heavy web page). Because if your pharma website takes more than a few seconds to load, most users will become impatient, give up and abandon the site.

Pharmaceutical companies targeting an international audience must consider the use of a global content delivery network (CDNs) to ensure their content gets closer to visitors. CDNs cater to international audiences by serving content with improved speed from multiple locations. Hosting on local servers may also help to further reduce page load speeds for your website.

If you are unsure about website optimization for the global audience, ask the website pros at CMDS for consultation.

2. Create an International Market Strategy

Developing an international market strategy requires complex and specialized market research. To make the website appeal to individuals from around the globe it is essential that it is optimized for international markets. For example, local market research must be aimed at understanding the market size, the challenges physicians or consumers face, the solutions they currently have, and where your product can fit in.

To reach a broader audience, a globally-minded attitude can (and should) be embraced from the beginning. It’s much easier to roll out global versions of your website later on down the road if you’ve planned for internationalization in the initial stages of the web design process.

Additionally, localization must be taken into consideration. Website localization gives your website the look and feel of being adapted specifically for that target market, no matter where they are located. A strategically localized website will deliver the most relevant copy and images to users to improve their experience and build trust. Not only that, but it will also help major search engines find content; ultimately driving sales.

From international market research and strategy to website design, development and testing, CMDS can help you make your pharma website internationally-friendly.

3. Get Results in Every Language.

Adapting your website for a global audience is no small feat. With coding and web design trends that change rapidly in our digital world, you need a partner to guide you through a successful international website strategy.

CMDS is a leading website design and development company for local, national, and global organizations. We are committed to working at the highest standards and finding the most innovative solutions to help you establish your presence online (and we’re really good at this stuff).

Our team digs deep to thoroughly understand your business, your end users and your industry. We utilize consumer research, industry research, competitor audits, keyword research and content strategy to develop a plan that delivers on your organization’s goals, user needs and Google search results.

After this collaborative discovery process, our web design and development team turns that strategy into a reality through user experience design (UX), visual design (UI), content management systems (CMS), responsive websites, API integration and much more.

No matter your latitude or longitude, our goal is to help you attract the right users from around the globe, convince them to stick around on your website and convert them into a lead which can ultimately turn into a loyal client.

Are you ready for more visibility worldwide? Your pharmaceutical website should be at the center of your global strategy. We’re here to help. Contact Esperienza RX at 732-706-5555 or click here to get started.


As a full-service digital marketing agency, EsperienzaRx knows the importance all the pieces of a brand’s digital ecosystem working together